As a parent of a grade Nine player in his first year of organized football I feel a big thanx needs to be said to the coaches that are making the extra effort to host and attend the rookie games this year. I understand the additional time and effort these take to put on and appriciate the over and above effort many of the coaches have put in to get the younger (new) players onto the field.
I can appriciate many of the younger and smaller players would be exposed to a sure injury in most regular games. Also it goes without saying that the vetran players that have paid their dues should not be on the sidlines in what will be the final year or two of football for most of them regardless of the score in a game. With that said I want all the coaches to know for my boy for sure and I bet alot of others these games are as importand as any provincial final or super bowl these guys will play in. it is what makes all the bumps and bruises and "hey rookie go get me ...." worth it. In my case anyway these young guys have been thinking about "playing real football" since they were old enough to throw a pass and your extra efforts are giving them the chance.
Again because of all the 2nd guesses and complaints you all have to put up with in a year and because all our boys are far to cool to say it. thanx for all your effort and dedication.
Fort Qu' Appelle